Final Stretch to Success

Approaching the end of a school year can be similar to running a race. We know that if we can keep running forward we will eventually get to the finish line but we also want to finish strong. I love using this analogy during the 4th quarter of school because it best represents how students need everyone’s support and encouragement to reach their year-end goals (hopes & dreams)!

It is also one of the busiest times of the school year for students, parents and teachers. Keeping children focused on their responsibilities at home and at school can become challenging due to various outdoor activities and busy family schedules not to mention the natural beauty all around us. Take notice of how well your child is keeping up with his/her school responsibilities. Keep communicating with your teacher(s), check backpacks daily, read over notebooks and peruse the Tuesday folders for important classroom and school information. Read our e-news (PTO Eagle News or weekly classroom newsletters) as we approach the final weeks of the school year.

With 15 1/2 school days of success for our students, we have more exciting upcoming school community events and performances.   As we move into the last weeks of school, let’s all celebrate our students’ achievements and reflect on this past school year with them. Let’s continue to inspire them to do their best!

3rd Grade Chariots Race – Using Ozobots

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